The Healing Touch Series

Unlock the transformative power of touch with “The Healing Touch: Integrated Soft Tissue Manipulation in Rehabilitation,” a comprehensive exploration into the ancient art and modern science of healing through human contact. This enlightening book delves deep into the history and cultural significance of touch, revealing its pivotal role in medical and spiritual practices across the ages. Discover how intentional therapeutic touch, from massage and Reiki to acupuncture and beyond, can alleviate pain, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being. 

“The Healing Touch Series” by Patrick di Santo not only traces the evolution of touch-based therapies from ancient civilizations to modern rehabilitation but also presents cutting-edge scientific research that uncovers the profound impact of touch on our brains, hormones, and bodily systems. With insights into the physiological and psychological mechanisms behind touch’s healing capabilities, this book bridges the gap between traditional wisdom and contemporary evidence-based practices. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a wellness enthusiast, or someone seeking holistic healing methods, this book offers invaluable knowledge and practical guidance. Explore the challenges and controversies in integrating touch into mainstream medical practices and learn how cultural sensitivity, professionalism, and informed consent play crucial roles in the effective application of touch therapies. 

Dive into “The Healing Touch: Integrated Soft Tissue Manipulation in Rehabilitation” and discover how this innate human ability can enhance your life and well-being. Embrace the universal language of touch and its extraordinary potential to heal, comfort, and connect us all.

ALIENATION: The Phoenician Healers

Alienation: The Phoenician Healers explores the deep interplay between ancient wisdom, healing traditions, and understanding through a blend of Vedic, Egyptian, Hellenistic, Phoenician and Persian philosophies. This thought-provoking book connects ancient symbols, like the serpent and su asti, with modern scientific discoveries such as the spiral structure of DNA, revealing the profound interconnectedness between the microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds. Set against the backdrop of the ancienne Alexandrian ritual manuscript and its translation: The Septuagint, this work dives into humanity’s role within the portrait painted in the equation of quantum field theory. 

It reflects on themes of cosmic balance, the cycle of creation and destruction, and the hidden presence of the divine ubiquitous in every aspect of our matrix. The text invites readers to contemplate their place in space, drawing from ancient healing practices, generational wisdom, and spirit rituals that transcend time and culture. Through rich metaphors, exhaustive citations, and historical research, 9 Patrick di Santo redirects traditional perspectives of spirit, healing, and the nature of force itself. It calls readers to reflect on our interconnectedness, offering a journey into the heart of human experience and the mysterious forces that guide us.

CREATIVITY: The Adaptive Advantage

Adaptation refers to immediate biome changes that occur in response to environmental pressures, directly affecting an organism’s survival and reproduction. Unlike the long-term scope of evolution, adaptation emphasizes the creative, functional adjustments organisms make to thrive in their specific environments. This view brings a new clarity to understanding creativity as an adaptive mechanism, immediately benefiting organisms in the physical realm. This perspective aligns with the broader discussion of evolution beyond strict scientific frameworks, particularly when integrated with healing and rituality. Evolution, seen as a metaphor for growth and transformation, resonates with processes of emotional and spirit development, much like adaptive responses that foster resilience and self-actualization. 

Yet, strictly mechanistic views of evolution can limit its symbolic, holistic implications, ignoring the non-linear, integrative aspects of growth central to ancient healing practices. This broader approach invites a fusion of scientific understanding with a ritualistic, holistic vision of health and well-being, framing adaptation as a path to resilience and growth in both physical and emotional realms.

ZIUSUDRA: The Sumerian Precedent

Ziusudra, a seminal figure in ancient Mesopotamian historical poetry, stands as one of the earliest recorded survivors of a great flood, offering profound insights into the cultural and spirit life of the Sumerians—one of humanity’s oldest civilizations on record. His story, chronicled in the Sumerian Kin List and the Eridu Genesis, bridges poetry and history, blending accounts of divine remembrance, di ex machinis, human resilience, and moral integrity. Positioned as the last kin of Shuruppak before a cataclysmic flood, Ziusudra is revered as a righteous leader chosen by the offspring pantheon to preserve life through his obedience and piety.

The narrative of Ziusudra parallels flood legends from around the globe, including the Akkadian Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah of western practice. Central themes such as divine retribution, survival, and renewal reflect universal concerns about humanity’s relationship with the universal coder and the natural world. The story’s divine forewarnings, construction of a survival vessel, and renewal of life resonate across cultures, illustrating shared archetypal motifs in ancient history telling.

Though fragmentary, the Sumerian sources reveal how Ziusudra’s tale encapsulates the Sumerian worldview: a cyclical relationship between humanity, the reflective offspring and their reclusive ubiquitous parent, mediated through kinship and piety. As a culture deeply reliant on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Sumerians viewed floods as both destructive and regenerative forces. Scholars suggest these poems are influenced by real-life flood events, underscoring the interdependence of human and natural systems.

Ziusudra’s enduring legacy lies in his role as an archetype of the righteous ruler, whose wise stewardship and obedience to divine ultimate ensuring survival amidst divine wrath. His narrative reflects early human attempts to understand natural disasters and cosmic justice while emphasizing themes of moral integrity and covenant. As a cornerstone of Mesopotamian lore, Ziusudra’s story remains a vital link in the adaptive flood narratives and their profound influence on later cultural and ritual traditions worldwide.

THE HARMONIC REVELATION: Pythagoras and the Echoes of Eternity

Journey into the enigmatic life and enduring legacy of Pythagoras, the philosopher-mystic whose teachings shaped the intellectual and ritual traditions of humanity. Born on the island of Samos around 570 BCE, Pythagoras transcended the boundaries of his time, blending mathematics, music, and philosophy into a cohesive vision of the cosmos governed by harmony and universal code.

Through travels that spanned Egypt, Babylon, and India, Pythagoras encountered and synthesized the profound wisdom of ancient civilizations. These formative experiences allowed him to develop revolutionary ideas about the unity of all things, expressed through the language of numbers and frequency. His concept of the “Music of the Spheres” revealed a universe where celestial bodies moved in harmonious mathematical ratios, a principle echoed in the ritual practices of his followers.

Settling in Italica, Pythagoras established a Kin that was part school, part ritual community, and part political movement. Adhering to strict ethical codes, communal living, and rituals designed to align the spirit with cosmic code, his followers sought not just personal enlightenment but societal transformation. They believed that the principles of justice, balance, and order governing the cosmos could be applied to human governance, creating a society rooted in wisdom and virtue.

While persecution eventually dispersed the Pythagorean community, their teachings endured, influencing thinkers from Plato to modern-day philosophers. The Pythagorean emphasis on harmony, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of knowledge continues to resonate, offering timeless guidance for those seeking to align their lives with the deep code of the universe.

The Harmonic Revelation: Pythagoras and the Echoes of Eternity invites readers to uncover the profound mysteries of Pythagoras’s teachings. Through an exploration of his life, his community, and the enduring impact of his ideas, this book reveals a path toward understanding the divine harmony that underpins existence. Whether through the mathematical elegance of his philosophy or the spirit depth of his vision, Pythagoras’s quest for truth and unity inspires us to seek harmony in our lives and our material world.

For those who have ever wondered about the connections between science, spirit, and the origin cosmos, this book illuminates the echoes of Pythagoras’s teachings and their timeless relevance to navigation of the human journey.

WISDOM SEEKERS: Sphinx Worship

Wisdom Seekers: Sphinx Worship by 9 Patrick di Santo highlights the centrality of female deities in ancient theologies, emphasizing their roles as guardians of the cosmic code, societal structure, and sacred knowledge. Deities like Inanna in the cults of Sumeria, Isis and Hathor in Egyptian ritualizations, and Astarte in Phoenicia symbolized breeding wisdom, protection, code, and fertility. Societal structures, including demographic factors, reinforced the elevation of feminine presentation of the universal parent deity, underscoring the recognition of the critical role across cults.

This publishing explores the profound reverence for the feminine across ancient civilizations, focusing on the integral role in preserving harmony within the cosmic code and balance in the material world. The text examines gender dynamics, the interplay between feminine and masculine divinity, and the societal implications of spirit practice. Through a comparative analysis of regional cults, i.e. Sumeria, India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the book underscores the enduring legacy of female presentation of divinity in shaping sentient understanding of sacred wisdom and the universal code.